Oceana Exclusives » Myrtle Beach Discount Card

Whenever you plan your vacation with Oceana Resorts, we’ll provide you with a personalized Privileges Discount Card worth up to $500 in Myrtle Beach savings. Use your card throughout the Grand Strand for discounts at some of the area's most popular shops, restaurants, entertainment and attractions! Just look for the Oceana Privileges Badge in the window of participating businesses. View the full list of participating businesses below.

Click a category below to view participating businesses in the Myrtle Beach area that accept the Oceana Privileges Discount Card.*

810 Billiards & Bowling

10% OFF Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages
Cannot be combined with any other specials.

$1 OFF Each Game of Bowling
Cannot be combined with any other specials.

1105 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 663-2695 | 710Bowling.com

Alabama Theatre

10% OFF your purchase at the Alabama Theatre Gift Shop

2 FREE Kid’s Tickets to ONE: The Show summer show times with purchase of Adult Ticket
Valid on select shows times only. Limit two (2) free Kid’s Tickets per each Adult Ticket purchase.

4750 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach
800-342-2262 | Alabama-Theatre.com

Big M Casino

Pay no boarding fees when you present your Privileges Discount Card

4491 Waterfront Drive, Little River
877-250-LUCK | BigMCasino.com

The Carolina Opry

2 Show Package: When you purchase tickets to The Carolina Opry, you can add tickets to Time Warp (or vice versa) for half the price. Call 843-913-4000 to book.

The same party must attend both shows within 14 days. Does not apply to Premium seating. Price does not include tax. 

8901 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 913-4000 | TheCarolinaOpry.com

Carolina Safari Jeep Tours

$5 Off Per Couple’s Admission

Call For Pick Up (843) 497-5330

Coastal Scuba

$10 Off Discover Scuba

1903 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 361-3323 | CoastalScuba.com

Jack’s Surf Lessons

FREE Board Rental With Purchase of a 2 Hour Lesson

3200 S. Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach
(843) 647-7471 | JacksSurfLessons.com

Legends In Concert

$8 Off Adult Premium Seats or One (1) Free Child Ticket with Paid Adult Ticket in Regular Sections

2925 Hollywood Drive, Myrtle Beach
(843) 238-7827 | LegendsInConcert.com/Myrtle-Beach

Little River Fishing Fleet

$5 Off Fishing Adventure

1903 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 361-3323 | LittleRiverFleet.com

Living Large Party Barge

10% Off Admission

Grand Strand Pick Up
(843) 252-0066 | LivingLargePartyBarge.com

Myrtle Beach Kayak Tours

15% Off Tour Package When You Use Promo Code VIP Online
Valid with online reservations only.

Cherry Grove Boat ramp @ 53rd Avenue North, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 333-6420 | MyrtleBeachKayakTours.com

Myrtle Beach SkyWheel

$2 Off Standard Flight Before 7:00 PM
Valid up to 6 people maximum.

1110 N Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach
(843) 839-9200 | MyrtleBeachSkywheel.com

MB Water Sports

$10 OFF Jet Ski Rentals

$25 OFF Pontoon Boat Rentals

2100 Little River Neck Rd, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 290-7777
101 Fantasy Harbor Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 903-3456
8201 Marina Pkwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 839-2999

Radical Ropes Adventure Park

$7.50 OFF Adult Admission to Aerial Adventure Park or Extreme Zips Attractions
May not be combined with any other offer or coupon.

Hwy. 17 at 19th Avenue South, Myrtle Beach
(843) 723-4225 | RadicalRopes.com

Sea Screamer Dolphin Cruises

$3 Off Adult Dolphin Cruise Admission

4499 Mineola Avenue, Little River
(843) 249-0870 | MyrtleBeachDolphinCruises.com

Sea Thunder Dolphin Cruises

$3 Off Adult Dolphin Cruise Admission

2100 Sea Mountain Hwy, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 280-8400 | MyrtleBeachDolphinCruises.com

Shark Wake Park

10% Off All Daily Ride Tickets. Includes Both Wake Park and Aqua Park.

Located at the North Myrtle Beach Sports Complex
150 Citizens Cir, Little River
(843) 399-WAKE | SharkWakePark.com


$2 Off Soar + Explore
Valid for up to 6 people maximum.

1313 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach
(843) 626-9962 | WonderWorksOnline.com

Golf Club Rental Express

$19.95 ($10 OFF) daily rate golf club rentals delivered to your resort

2120 Sea Mountain Hwy #2208, North Myrtle Beach
(888) 479-4301 | GolfClubRentalExpress.com

Hawaiian Rumble Mini Golf

$2 Off on All Day Play
Valid from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM only.

3210 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 272-7812 | ProMiniGolf.com

Runaway Bay Mini Putt Putt

Round of Mini Golf and One (1) Scoop of Ice Cream for $7

1800 Hwy 17 Business, Garden City
(843) 215-1038 | TupeloBay.com/mini_golf

Spyglass Mini Golf

$2 Off Adults or $1 Off Children Age 12 & Under

3801 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 626-9309 | MyrtleBeachMiniGolf.net

Treasure Island Golf

$2 Off Adults or $1 Off Children Age 12 & Under

4801 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 238-3787 | MyrtleBeachMiniGolf.net

Baron’s Steaks & Spirits

$10 OFF a purchase of $50 or more

9650 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 497-5200 | BaronsMyrtleBeach.com

Bay Watch Cafe at Bay Watch Resort

10% OFF entire check
Excludes alcoholic beverages. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.

Located At Bay Watch Resort & Conference Center
2701 S Ocean Blvd, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 272-4600 | 

Benito’s Brick Oven Pizza & Pasta

10% OFF entire check.
Excludes alcoholic beverages.

1596 Hwy 17 South, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 272-1414 | BenitosNMB.com

Bistro 90

10% OFF all dinner entrees
Excludes holidays and special events.

7209 Hwy 90, Longs |
(843) 390-5151 | Bistro90.com

California Dreaming

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of a regular priced entrée
Limit one (1) per table.

10429 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 663-2050
2657 Beaver Run Blvd, Surfside Beach | (843) 215-5255

Captain Jack’s Seafood Buffet

$3 OFF Adult Buffet

1400 Hwy 17S, North Myrtle Beach
(843) 427-4972 | CaptainJacksSeafoodBuffet.com

Capt. Bennetts Calabash Seafood Buffet

$3 OFF adult dinner buffet

1010 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 361-9743
9701 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 449-7865
2900 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-2977

Captain Juels

10% OFF entire check

4499 Mineola Avenue, Little River
(843) 249-2211 | CaptJuelsHurricane.com

Carolina Roadhouse

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of a regular priced entrée
Limit one (1) per table.

4617 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 497-9911 | CarolinaRoadHouse.com

Chestnut Hill Restaurant

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of a regular priced dinner entrée

9922 Hwy 17 N, Myrtle Beach
(843) 449-3984 | ChestnutHillDining.com

Dino’s House of Pancakes

15% OFF entire check

2120 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 272-5411 | DinosPancakes.com

Donald's Pancake House

10% OFF Entire Check

2600 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach
(843) 626-5941 | DonaldsPancakeHouse.com

Filet’s on the Water

15% OFF entire check from Labor Day through Memorial Day only
or 10% OFF entire check from Memorial Day through Labor Day
Not valid on holidays. Excludes Happy Hour menu items. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer. Excludes alcoholic beverages.

2120 Sea Mountain Hwy # 1100, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 280-5200 | Website: FiletsWaterfront.com

Friendly’s Restaurant

15% OFF entire check

4705 N Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 497-6665
210 Hwy 17 N, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 249-6665
506 S Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 916-8636 | Website: Friendlys.com

Indigo Coastal Kitchen at The Patricia Grand

10% OFF entire check
Excludes alcoholic beverages. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.

Located at The Patricia Grand
2710 N. Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-8453

Greg Norman’s Australian Grille

10% Off Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages for Lunch, Brunch and Dinner

4930 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 361-0000 | Website: GregNormanAustralianGrille.com

Ground Floor Cafe at The Patricia Grand

10% OFF entire check
Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.

Located at The Patricia Grand
2710 N. Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-8453

Gulfstream Café

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of a regular priced entrée.
Limit 1 per table.

1536 S. Waccamaw Dr, Garden City | (843) 651-8808 | GulfstreamCafe.com

Hurricane Maggie’s Bar & Grill

20% OFF food and beverage purchase
Excludes Happy Hour.

7710 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 497-5000 | HurricaneMaggies.com

House of Blues

$10 Off $50 Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverage (Alcohol, tax & gratuity not included. Not valid with other offers.)

Offer valid for restaurant and outdoor deck. Please visit website for hours of operation.

4640 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 913-3746 | HouseofBlues.com

Lombardo’s Italian Restaurant

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of 2 regular priced entrées

7604 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 497-6699

Mr. Fish

FREE PEACH COBBLER with purchase of a regular priced entrée
Limit 1 per table.

6401 N. Kings Hwy, Myrtle Beach | (843) 839-3474 | MrFish.com

New York Pizza & Deli

10% OFF entire check

6613 N. Kings Hwy, Unit C, Myrtle Beach | (843) 497-5980 | New-York-Pizza-and-Deli.Business.Site

NY Prime

FREE APPETIZER with purchase of a regular priced entrée
Excludes AQ items. Limit 1 per table.

405 28th Ave N, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-8081 | NewYorkPrime.com

Pawley’s Raw Bar

$5 OFF a purchase of $25 or more

9448 Ocean Hwy, Pawleys Island | (843) 979-2722 | PawleysRawBar.com

Plantation Pancake House

10% OFF entire check

2001 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 272-5979 | PlantationPancake.com

Sandtrap Sports Bar & Grill at Bay Watch Resort

10% OFF entire check
Excludes alcoholic beverages. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.

Located At Bay Watch Resort & Conference Center
2701 S. Ocean Blvd, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 272-4600 


10% OFF entire check

407 21st Ave N, Myrtle Beach | (843) 443-9441 | SOHOMB.com

Stranded Jack's Beached Bar at The Patricia Grand

10% OFF entire check
Excludes alcoholic beverages. Cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.

Located at The Patricia Grand
2710 N. Ocean Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-8453

Wicked Tuna

FREE APPETIZER, $12 or less, with the purchase of a regular priced entrée
Limit one (1) per table.

4123 US 17 Business, Murrells Inlet | (843) 651-9987 | TheWickedTuna.com

Z's Kitchen

10% OFF entire check

70 Hwy 17 South, North Myrtle Beach | 843-273-4929 | ZsKitchens.com

Comedy Cabana

$4 Off Per Party of 2 Guests
Not valid on Saturdays or during special events.

9588 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach | (843) 449-4242 | ComedyCabana.com

Malibu's Surf Bar

Free Admission before 11pm
21 and up only. Not valid for special events, New Year’s Eve or certain other promotions.

1320 Celebrity Circle, Unit 193, Myrtle Beach | (843) 444-3500 | CelebrationsNiteLife.com

Nick’s Cigar and Wine Bar

$2 OFF Your First Draft Beer
10% Off All Single Cigars

2705 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 361-8266

Oz the Experience

Free Admission before 11pm
21 and up only. Not valid for special events, New Year’s Eve or certain other promotions.

1320 Celebrity Circle, Unit 193, Myrtle Beach | (843) 444-3500 | CelebrationsNiteLife.com

East End Cigars

10% OFF Your Entire Purchase
Excludes sale items and gift certificates.

7708 North Kings Highway, Myrtle Beach | (843) 839-4499 | EastEndCigars.com

Nick’s Cigar World

10% Off All Single Cigars

2705 Highway 17 South, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 361-8266


$25 OFF a $50 purchase, plus FREE Fly Fishing Lessons

1150 Farrow Parkway, Myrtle Beach | (843) 839-6900 | Orvis.com

Pepper Palace

Free Bottle of “South Carolina Heat Hot Sauce” with $20.00 Purchase

4898 Hwy 17 S Unit 18, Myrtle Beach | (843) 273-0877
1314 Celebrity Circle, Myrtle Beach | (843) 712-2657 | PepperPalace.com

Ron Jon Surf Shop

15% Off a Purchase of $30 or More
Not valid on select sunglass brands, surfboards, cameras, gift cards, and sale items. Cannot be combined with any other offer or discount.

4810 Highway 17 South, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 272-0888
1308 Celebrity Circle, #R-9, Myrtle Beach | (843) 448-8882 | RonJonSurfShop.com

Tanger Outlets

Show your Guest Privileges Card for a Tanger Outlet coupon book with great deals at your favorite outlets!

10835 Kings Road, Myrtle Beach | (843) 449-0491
4635 Factory Stores Blvd, Myrtle Beach | (843) 236-5100 | TangerOutlet.com

The Walking Company

FREE Digital Foot Analysis and FREE GIFT with any regular price footwear or orthotics purchase
Restrictions & exclusions apply. See store associate for completely details. Code: TWCMKTG

3077 Howard Ave, Myrtle Beach | (843) 232-0592 | TheWalkingCompany.com


15% OFF any regularly priced purchase
Does not apply to clearance merchandise or daily specials.

4820 Hwy 17 S, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 272-0891
227 Main St, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 663-1665 | Wee-R-Sweetz.com

Awakening Spa at Anderson Ocean Club

15% Off Select Spa Services
Excludes spa packages. Cannot be combined with any other special offer or promotional price. Gratuity is not included. Privileges Card must be presented at time of service to receive discount.

2600 North Ocean Boulevard, Myrtle Beach | (843) 213-5370 | AwakeningSpa.com

Exclusively You Salon and Spa

45 Min. Swedish Massage and 45 Min. European Facial Combo – Only $100
Ionized Foot Detox Bath With Spa Pedicure Combo – Only $50
Women’s Shampoo, Cut, and Style – Only $40

3310 Highway 17 South, North Myrtle Beach | (843) 361-8080 | ExclusivelyYou.com

La Belle Amie Vineyard

50% Off Wine Tastings and a Free Keepsake Wine Glass

1120 St. Joseph Road, Little River | (843) 399-9463 | LaBelleAmie.com

All participating businesses and offers are subject to change at anytime without notice. Oceana Resorts does not make any representations regarding the availability of or endorse any of the products or services provided by third parties. *Discounts and offers are not available at Camelot by the Sea.